Event Standings Summary
4 races scored.
Scoring policy: medal counts across all races.

Total number of competitors: 109 (81 men, 28 women)
Number of qualifiers: 65 (39 men, 26 women)

Medal Standings
PositionTeam# MedalsGoldSilverBronze# Competitors# Medalists
1United States1467742278750
6New Zealand4411


Event Standings By Affiliation
PositionCompetitorPointsStFnBigSky SGBigSky GSBigSky GSBigSky SL
 United States   BigSky SGBigSky GSBigSky GSBigSky SL
1(t)Hauser, Charles (M12)1004425 (1)25 (1)25 (1)25 (1)
1(t)Lewis, Deb (W09)1004425 (1)25 (1)25 (1)25 (1)
1(t)Olberg, Knut (M11)1004425 (1)25 (1)25 (1)25 (1)
1(t)Petter, Tara (W05)1004425 (1)25 (1)25 (1)25 (1)
1(t)Phillips, Carolyn (W12)1004425 (1)25 (1)25 (1)25 (1)
1(t)Slabinski, Richard (M08)1004425 (1)25 (1)25 (1)25 (1)
1(t)Vitiello, Eric (M01)1004425 (1)25 (1)25 (1)25 (1)
1(t)Wildenradt, Brooke (W00)1004425 (1)25 (1)25 (1)25 (1)
9(t)George, Mark (M09)954425 (1)25 (1)25 (1)20 (2)
9(t)Maxwell, Chris (M07)954425 (1)25 (1)25 (1)20 (2)
9(t)Stevenson, Jesse (M00)954425 (1)25 (1)20 (2)25 (1)
12(t)Gabel, Chris (M04)904425 (1)20 (2)25 (1)20 (2)
12(t)Hildreth, Lara (W06)904425 (1)20 (2)20 (2)25 (1)
14(t)Arteyeva, Anastasia (W03)854425 (1)20 (2)20 (2)20 (2)
14(t)Kandianis, Mark (M10)854420 (2)20 (2)20 (2)25 (1)
14(t)Katzenberger, Chris (W07)854420 (2)25 (1)20 (2)20 (2)
17Smith, Don (M11)804420 (2)20 (2)20 (2)20 (2)
18(t)Auseklis, Nancy (W11)753325 (1)25 (1)25 (1) 
18(t)Beckos, Lauren (W02)753325 (1)25 (1) 25 (1)
18(t)Carreras, Connor (W01)754325 (1)25 (1)25 (1) 
18(t)Densmore Ballard, Lisa (W07)754325 (1) 25 (1)25 (1)
18(t)Ellis, Matthew (M03)753325 (1)25 (1)25 (1) 
18(t)Higgins, Jennifer (W03)7533 25 (1)25 (1)25 (1)
18(t)Kilian, Karen (W08)754420 (2)20 (2)20 (2)15 (3)
18(t)Nelson, Erik (M02)754325 (1)25 (1) 25 (1)
18(t)Simmons, Dan (M10)754325 (1)25 (1)25 (1) 
27(t)Halsnes, Stein (M09)6543 20 (2)20 (2)25 (1)
27(t)Jalili, Thunder (M06)654420 (2)15 (3)15 (3)15 (3)
27(t)Mangold, Frank (M07)654415 (3)20 (2)15 (3)15 (3)
27(t)Shiosaki, Jenna (W02)6533 20 (2)25 (1)20 (2)
27(t)Vaughn, Margaret (W08)654415 (3)15 (3)15 (3)20 (2)
32(t)Jefferson, Richard (M08)554320 (2)15 (3) 20 (2)
32(t)Moya, Liam (M00)553320 (2)20 (2)15 (3) 
34(t)Anderson, Dave (M10)504415 (3) 15 (3)20 (2)
34(t)Bialon, Betsy (W03)504320 (2)15 (3)15 (3) 
36(t)Beers, Robert (M05)403325 (1)15 (3)  
36(t)Horsley, Erich (M05)4043  15 (3)25 (1)
36(t)Walsh, Michael (M05)4033 20 (2)20 (2) 
39Rosenberg, Julie (W07)354215 (3)20 (2)  
40Black, Heather (W07)3022 15 (3)15 (3) 
41Gehl, Joseph (M00)2531  25 (1) 
42(t)Brighton, Luke (M02)201120 (2)   
42(t)Foster, Jesse (M05)2044   20 (2)
42(t)Smelser, Duane (M09)204420 (2)   
45(t)De Lappe, Brock (M10)1532 15 (3)  
45(t)Fuller, Ryan (M05)1543   15 (3)
45(t)Gieske, Nancy (W07)1544   15 (3)
45(t)Meyer, Paul (M05)154215 (3)   
45(t)Molde, Ryan (M04)1511   15 (3)
45(t)Reichhelm, Scott (M08)1544  15 (3) 
 (50 competitors)       
 Canada   BigSky SGBigSky GSBigSky GSBigSky SL
1(t)Collins, Irene (W08)1004425 (1)25 (1)25 (1)25 (1)
1(t)Gee, Darren (M06)1004425 (1)25 (1)25 (1)25 (1)
3(t)Barton, Jason (M04)7033 25 (1)20 (2)25 (1)
3(t)Whittaker, Gerry (M08)704415 (3)20 (2)20 (2)15 (3)
5Reid, Isabelle (W06)604415 (3)15 (3)15 (3)15 (3)
 New Zealand   BigSky SGBigSky GSBigSky GSBigSky SL
1Hunt, Geoff (M09)604415 (3)15 (3)15 (3)15 (3)
 Switzerland   BigSky SGBigSky GSBigSky GSBigSky SL
1(t)Gut, Christian (M07)804420 (2)15 (3)20 (2)25 (1)
1(t)Hilton, Monika (W05)804420 (2)20 (2)20 (2)20 (2)
3Boeckli, Daniel (M06)754415 (3)20 (2)20 (2)20 (2)
 Austria   BigSky SGBigSky GSBigSky GSBigSky SL
1Klaus, Hubert (M05)704320 (2)25 (1)25 (1) 
 Czechia   BigSky SGBigSky GSBigSky GSBigSky SL
1Kadulova, Dasha (W05)454315 (3)15 (3)15 (3) 
 Hungary   BigSky SGBigSky GSBigSky GSBigSky SL
1Savage Gonczi, Vera (W06)904420 (2)25 (1)25 (1)20 (2)
 Japan   BigSky SGBigSky GSBigSky GSBigSky SL
1Tani, Hisako (W10)1004425 (1)25 (1)25 (1)25 (1)
2Sakai, Mayumi (W09)804420 (2)20 (2)20 (2)20 (2)
3Tani, Yoshiki (M11)604415 (3)15 (3)15 (3)15 (3)

Scoring Details
Classes: FIS masters 5-year age classes (30-90+)
Scoring element: World Cup points
Scoring policy: medal counts across all races

Scored Races
1. Big Sky SG - February 07, 2025 - All racers on one course
2. Big Sky GS - February 08, 2025 - All racers on one course
3. Big Sky GS - February 08, 2025 - All racers on one course
4. Big Sky SL - February 09, 2025 - Multiple courses (unspecified class split)