Event Standings Summary
4 races scored.
Scoring policy: total time across all races (must complete all races to qualify).

Total number of competitors: 202 (156 men, 46 women)
Number of qualifiers: 77 (58 men, 19 women)

Event Standings By National Group
PositionCompetitorTimeStFnSunValley SCSunValley SGSunValley GSSunValley SL
 Group A (men age 20-44)   SunValley SCSunValley SGSunValley GSSunValley SL
1Sarchett, Robin (M04, IM)5:08.29441:20.70 (1)51.94 (1)1:35.47 (1)1:20.18 (1)
2Beckos, John (M03, RM)5:37.41441:27.78 (3)55.52 (5)1:41.99 (3)1:32.12 (4)
3Keenan, Luke (M02, PN)5:59.84441:32.96 (5)57.51 (7)1:50.86 (6)1:38.51 (7)
4Hallen, Ben (M03, CN)6:40.82441:56.83 (7)1:01.98 (11)1:55.86 (9)1:46.15 (9)
-Armstrong, Phillips (M02, RM) 431:25.87 (2)54.57 (4)DNF1:31.31 (3)
-Buehler, Beau (M01, IM) 21  DNF2:03.34 (11)
-Day, Michael (M01, PN) 20  DSQDNF
-Fuller, Ryan (M04, CN) 431:30.23 (4)1:00.67 (10)1:51.38 (7)DNF
-Harrington, Travis (M02, IM) 10 DNF  
-Henderson, Ryan (M02, RM) 43DSQ54.29 (2)1:48.26 (5)1:46.91 (10)
-Mattice, Matt (M02, CN) 43DNF56.09 (6)1:46.66 (4)1:36.57 (5)
-Molde, Ryan (M03, IM) 43DSQ1:00.50 (9)1:54.08 (8)1:37.26 (6)
-Norton, Craig (M03, IM) 43DSQ54.35 (3)1:41.35 (2)1:27.26 (2)
-Pretetsky, Stanislav (M03, FW) 431:36.77 (6)58.63 (8)DNF1:42.79 (8)
-Woodcock, Tanner (M02, N) 21  1:58.36 (10)DNF
 Group B (men age 45-59)   SunValley SCSunValley SGSunValley GSSunValley SL
1Campbell, John (M06, IM)5:19.98441:23.13 (4)53.44 (10)1:39.41 (2)1:24.00 (2)
2Skinner, Robert (M07, IM)5:21.29441:22.37 (2)53.06 (7)1:40.89 (6)1:24.97 (3)
3Fuchsberger, Franz (M07, RM)5:28.72441:24.19 (8)53.39 (9)1:40.67 (5)1:30.47 (11)
4Sertl, Mark (M07, EA)5:30.15441:26.30 (10)53.38 (8)1:42.75 (8)1:27.72 (6)
5Masur, Steven (M05, EA)5:37.20441:26.49 (13)53.99 (13)1:46.99 (17)1:29.73 (9)
6Skinner, Bill (M07, IM)5:37.37441:26.32 (11(t))56.25 (21)1:48.27 (18)1:26.53 (5)
7Reinbold, Fritz (M05, AK)5:39.91441:27.76 (17)56.38 (22)1:46.54 (16)1:29.23 (8)
8Farnedi, Daniele (M05, FW)5:41.33441:28.37 (20)54.70 (16)1:46.14 (14)1:32.12 (14)
9Burns, Duncan (M05, IM)5:43.48441:27.54 (16)55.99 (19)1:45.93 (13)1:34.02 (16)
10Papazian, Ara (M05, FW)5:44.03441:21.99 (1)53.03 (5)1:38.76 (1)1:50.25 (33)
11Vetterlein, Andrew (M06, PN)5:47.61441:30.74 (29)58.36 (29)1:48.42 (19)1:30.09 (10)
12Kornish, Dave (M07, PN)5:49.00441:28.53 (21)56.90 (23)1:49.44 (22)1:34.13 (17)
13Tomasik, David (M06, CN)5:51.34441:28.09 (19)57.06 (24)1:53.03 (32)1:33.16 (15)
14Gadbois, Alex (M05, EA)5:52.89441:42.68 (41)55.35 (18)1:46.40 (15)1:28.46 (7)
15Malmsten, Scott (M07, CN)5:56.91441:30.57 (27)57.32 (25)1:49.52 (23)1:39.50 (30)
16Lyman, Eric (M07, IM)5:57.55441:32.47 (31)58.85 (31)1:50.62 (26)1:35.61 (19)
17McAdam, Ken (M07, CN)6:05.92441:28.77 (22)57.61 (27)1:49.14 (21)1:50.40 (34)
18Drake, Alan (M06, AK)6:09.09441:34.09 (33)59.61 (37)1:57.19 (41)1:38.20 (25)
19Mirviss, Mark (M07, FW)6:12.78441:40.00 (39)59.45 (36)1:53.84 (35)1:39.49 (29)
20Mauro, Louis (M05, IM)6:13.23441:38.92 (38)1:02.79 (44)1:55.32 (38)1:36.20 (20)
21Carpenter, Jonathan (M05, AK)6:14.20441:36.23 (35)59.95 (40)1:54.34 (36)1:43.68 (32)
22Steiner, Griff (M06, AK)6:21.75441:34.16 (34)1:00.94 (43)1:52.08 (30)1:54.57 (36)
-Bailey, Kenneth (M06, N) 22  1:53.27 (33)1:38.24 (26)
-Ballard, Jack (M06, N) 10DNF   
-Braun, Michael (M06, FW) 331:27.00 (14)54.41 (15)1:45.43 (11) 
-Buehler, Chad (M05, CN) 22  1:50.03 (24)1:30.55 (12)
-Cater, Mark (M07, CN) 331:26.32 (11(t))52.44 (1)1:45.91 (12) 
-Cleary, Timothy (M06, CN) 20DNF DNF 
-Cravens, Robert (M06, PN) 221:25.77 (9)54.28 (14)  
-Day, John (M07, PN) 431:30.26 (26)58.64 (30)DSQ1:38.67 (27)
-Delfino, Jean-sebastien (M05, FW) 22  2:12.57 (43)1:53.84 (35)
-Elliot, James (M07, IM) 431:30.73 (28)59.31 (34)DNF1:26.03 (4)
-Garey-Sage, Jonathan (M07, FW) 321:31.18 (30)59.70 (39)DNF 
-Greenberg, David (M07, EA) 32DNF1:35.65 (48)2:49.72 (45) 
-Hampson, Charles (M07, PN) 321:29.40 (24)59.18 (33)DNF 
-Jalili, Thunder (M05, IM) 321:24.18 (7)52.59 (3)DNF 
-Johnson, Don (M07, RM) 331:29.06 (23)56.11 (20)1:52.13 (31) 
-Klemme, Erik (M07, RM) 321:22.61 (3)53.00 (4)DSQ 
-Knutson, Greg (M06, PN) 20 DNFDNF 
-Loflin, Byron E. (M06, EA) 20DNF DSQ 
-Loritz, Gordy (M05, IM) 21  DSQ1:37.77 (23)
-Mackenzie, Dana (M07, IM) 331:29.79 (25)57.58 (26)1:50.64 (27) 
-Madsen, Greg (M06, IM) 33 59.41 (35)1:54.36 (37)1:38.08 (24)
-Masur, Hoyt (M07, EA) 43DSQ1:00.18 (41)1:56.73 (40)1:42.49 (31)
-Maxwell, Chris (M06, PN) 431:23.87 (6)53.04 (6)1:42.31 (7)DNF
-McCann, Sean (M05, CN) 331:37.46 (36)1:00.53 (42)1:55.58 (39) 
-McMahon, Gerald (M07, EA) 32DNF59.66 (38)1:51.25 (28) 
-Mucci, Joseph (M07, PN) 22  1:53.29 (34)1:37.72 (22)
-Revallier, Pat (M05, IM) 211:23.68 (5) DSQ 
-Scroggins, Jesse (M07, PN) 43DNF53.76 (11)1:39.46 (3)1:23.84 (1)
-Scroggins, Willy (M06, PN) 42DNF53.88 (12)1:43.62 (9)DSQ
-Sears, Don (M07, IM) 22  1:45.11 (10)1:31.31 (13)
-Shanklin, Tom (M07, IM) 431:32.97 (32)58.26 (28)DSQ1:38.80 (28)
-Sholton, Paul (M05, AK) 31DNF 1:50.23 (25)DNF
-Slabinski, Richard (M07, IM) 32DNF52.50 (2)1:39.58 (4) 
-Smith, Mike (M06, PN) 211:27.88 (18)DNF  
-Stancher, Steve (M07, IM) 22 1:12.21 (47)2:12.95 (44) 
-Sussek, Randall (M07, FW) 431:38.74 (37)59.04 (32)DSQ1:37.46 (21)
-Tomcich, Bill (M05, RM) 221:42.49 (40)1:04.33 (45)  
-Troje, Dave (M07, PN) 22  1:49.11 (20)1:35.17 (18)
-Wallace, Steve (M06, RM) 31DNFDNF1:51.77 (29) 
-Watson, Kyle (M05, PN) 32DNF1:05.14 (46)2:04.44 (42) 
-Wenner, Mike (M06, CN) 321:27.36 (15)55.33 (17)DNF 
-Withington, Holden (M07, PN) 10DNF   
 Group C (all women)   SunValley SCSunValley SGSunValley GSSunValley SL
1Kaufman, Jennifer (W04, RM)6:09.11441:38.02 (1)58.94 (1)1:55.05 (1)1:37.10 (1)
2Densmore Ballard, Lisa (W06, N)6:16.81441:38.63 (3)1:03.25 (7)1:56.91 (2)1:38.02 (2)
3Beckos, Lauren (W01, RM)6:23.75441:38.18 (2)1:00.57 (2)1:59.73 (4)1:45.27 (5)
4Mirviss, Annette (W06, FW)6:40.35441:48.89 (8)1:05.12 (10)2:00.56 (5)1:45.78 (6)
5McKee, Louise (W05, IM)6:41.41441:44.81 (6)1:04.97 (9)2:03.99 (11)1:47.64 (9)
6Levine, Carol (W09, FW)6:50.25441:46.13 (7)1:08.05 (14)2:04.35 (13)1:51.72 (15)
7Masur, Emma (W01, EA)6:52.28441:51.78 (13)1:09.31 (19)2:04.57 (14)1:46.62 (8)
8Droege, Anna (W11, IM)6:55.59441:57.14 (16)1:07.39 (12)2:03.06 (10)1:48.00 (12)
9Crowell, Linda (W08, FW)7:03.92441:49.00 (9)1:06.89 (11)2:12.87 (22)1:55.16 (16)
10Settel, Barbara (W09, EA)7:24.89441:54.26 (15)1:09.59 (20)2:12.12 (20)2:08.92 (20)
11Boyd, Jennifer (W02, IM)7:30.87441:57.46 (17)1:07.74 (13)2:12.02 (18)2:13.65 (24)
12Hendrickson, Ellen (W08, IM)7:37.05441:58.03 (20)1:14.05 (28)2:23.25 (29)2:01.72 (17)
13Kilian, Karen (W07, PN)7:44.33441:57.92 (19)1:08.44 (15)2:22.11 (27)2:15.86 (26)
14Swift, Jan (W10, IM)7:47.06442:01.09 (22)1:15.64 (30)2:22.26 (28)2:08.07 (19)
15Oaks, Grace (W12, CAN)7:58.72442:06.15 (23)1:15.07 (29)2:27.10 (32)2:10.40 (21)
16Gidlow, Lilla (W10, CN)8:03.08442:07.33 (24)1:12.42 (25)2:23.32 (30)2:20.01 (27)
17Therrien, Corneil (W10, IM)8:13.51442:33.70 (30)1:10.79 (23)2:17.22 (24)2:11.80 (23)
18Wheat, Michelle (W04, RM)8:24.66442:18.23 (28)1:16.18 (32)2:28.87 (34)2:21.38 (28)
19Phillips, Carolyn (W11, PN)8:51.24442:17.80 (27)1:26.20 (35)2:35.49 (41)2:31.75 (30)
-Auseklis, Nancy (W10, IM) 431:50.71 (11)1:09.85 (21)2:13.31 (23)DNF
-Bell, Julie (W06, IM) 221:42.88 (4)1:01.56 (4)  
-Black, Heather (W06, IM) 32DNF1:02.50 (6)2:01.95 (8) 
-Boyman, Tiana Koffler (W06, CAN) 33 1:13.04 (26)2:12.03 (19)1:47.93 (10)
-Dettmer, Melissa (W02, N) 22 1:16.28 (33)2:27.63 (33) 
-Drake, Lanice (W07, AK) 21  2:21.54 (26)DNF
-Dreyer, Nancy (W08, IM) 431:50.13 (10)1:10.85 (24)DSQ1:51.45 (14)
-East, Patricia (W07, CAN) 33 1:08.46 (16)2:04.29 (12)1:46.17 (7)
-Feddis, Mary (W07, FW) 11  2:31.50 (38) 
-Frankel, Tracy (W08, IM) 22  2:33.07 (39)2:28.63 (29)
-Frinell, Marietta (W11, FW) 432:12.39 (26)1:22.25 (34)2:26.99 (31)DNF
-Guiliani, Janie (W06, CN) 431:54.06 (14)1:08.96 (18)2:10.79 (17)DNF
-Hogan, Sandy (W10, FW) 32DNF 2:30.30 (37)2:10.69 (22)
-Jordan, Nancy (W08, IM) 21  2:42.33 (42)DSQ
-Kadulova, Dasha (W04, IM) 43DNF1:04.68 (8)2:02.89 (9)1:50.81 (13)
-Katzenberger, Chris (W06, IM) 32 1:01.69 (5)1:57.74 (3)DNF
-Lanzel, Amy (W07, IM) 33 1:08.54 (17)2:08.42 (16)1:44.30 (4)
-Lewis, Deborah (W08, FW) 431:43.68 (5)1:01.21 (3)2:01.18 (7)DNF
-Mackenzie, Debra (W08, IM) 43DNF1:13.38 (27)2:18.20 (25)2:03.69 (18)
-Nystrom, Anna (W06, PN) 22  2:00.82 (6)1:47.99 (11)
-Palermo, Danielle (W06, FW) 331:57.87 (18) 2:12.54 (21)1:43.44 (3)
-Raffin, Celeste (W07, IM) 22  2:29.95 (36)2:14.10 (25)
-Reed, Virginia (W12, IM) 432:30.41 (29)1:28.44 (36)2:54.46 (44)DSQ
-Roozen, Marnie (W07, IM) 11  2:44.38 (43) 
-Suttor, Georgina Anne (W09, IM) 432:00.60 (21)1:16.07 (31)2:29.04 (35)DSQ
-Vaughn, Margaret (W07, EA) 431:51.69 (12)1:10.59 (22)2:07.37 (15)DNF
-Withington, Tori (W08, PN) 432:09.36 (25)1:33.71 (37)2:33.56 (40)DNF
 Group D (men age 60+)   SunValley SCSunValley SGSunValley GSSunValley SL
1Neubauer, Pepi (M09, EA)5:46.17441:30.96 (1)54.77 (1)1:51.24 (1)1:29.20 (1)
2Jeangirard, Pierre (M08, FW)5:55.03441:32.81 (3)55.74 (2)1:52.69 (2)1:33.79 (5)
3Robbins, Mike (M08, CAN)5:57.46441:34.59 (6)55.86 (3)1:53.55 (3)1:33.46 (4)
4Cunha, Cliff (M08, IM)5:58.55441:32.33 (2)57.77 (5)1:55.88 (7)1:32.57 (3)
5Adams, Michael (M08, IM)6:02.13441:33.87 (5)59.35 (9)1:54.76 (5)1:34.15 (6)
6Truckenbrod, Hans (M08, EA)6:10.28441:37.03 (8)58.49 (6)1:55.92 (8)1:38.84 (12)
7Palermo, Rees (M08, FW)6:11.97441:35.04 (7)58.64 (7)1:59.74 (12)1:38.55 (10)
8Hudson, Nick (M10, IM)6:11.98441:37.93 (10)1:00.14 (12)1:54.48 (4)1:39.43 (13)
9Davis, Bob (M08, FW)6:16.78441:38.17 (11)1:00.45 (13)2:00.84 (16)1:37.32 (9)
10Fenwick, Edgar (M10, IM)6:20.20441:38.27 (12)1:01.88 (17)1:55.25 (6)1:44.80 (20)
11(t)Dorris, George (M08, IM)6:22.63441:39.86 (16)1:01.96 (18)2:00.51 (13)1:40.30 (14)
11(t)Kronthaler, Thomas (M09, IM)6:22.63441:42.17 (18)1:03.72 (24)2:00.74 (14)1:36.00 (8)
13Marsh, Stew (M09, IM)6:22.90441:38.74 (14)1:04.42 (25)2:01.06 (17)1:38.68 (11)
14Anderson, Ernie (M08, IM)6:27.15441:42.67 (19)1:01.58 (16)2:00.80 (15)1:42.10 (15)
15Brennan, Dave (M09, IM)6:28.55441:43.96 (21)59.50 (10)1:59.70 (11)1:45.39 (21(t))
16Sarchett, Bob (M10, IM)6:32.00441:42.04 (17)1:04.78 (27)2:01.33 (18)1:43.85 (17)
17Simmons, Dan (M09, FW)6:32.77441:44.39 (23)1:02.43 (19)2:02.36 (19)1:43.59 (16)
18Giacobazzi, P Joseph (M08, PN)6:42.31441:45.18 (27)1:05.96 (32)2:05.78 (25)1:45.39 (21(t))
19Smith, Don (M10, FW)6:46.19441:46.67 (31)1:08.62 (38)2:04.72 (23)1:46.18 (24)
20Gill, Greg (M09, EA)6:47.09441:44.68 (24)1:05.53 (30)2:07.82 (29)1:49.06 (26)
21Kaufman, Lee (M11, RM)6:52.54441:46.13 (29)1:07.83 (37)2:08.51 (32)1:50.07 (27)
22Reinholt, Haldor (M11, EA)6:52.99441:49.49 (37)1:09.14 (41)2:09.76 (33)1:44.60 (19)
23Ward, Frank (M10, IM)7:01.86441:50.21 (39)1:08.75 (39)2:15.07 (41)1:47.83 (25)
24Slivinski, Stephen (M10, IM)7:08.94441:51.88 (41)1:10.90 (45)2:09.99 (34)1:56.17 (29)
25Ferstl, Max (M10, CN)7:12.73441:54.61 (43)1:11.16 (46)2:07.31 (28)1:59.65 (32)
26Ahrens, William (M10, PN)7:22.67441:54.73 (44)1:12.37 (49)2:15.84 (42)1:59.73 (33)
27Pace, Bob (M09, PN)7:27.83441:56.21 (45)1:10.45 (44)2:21.22 (45)1:59.95 (34)
28Lumpkin, Ned (M10, IM)7:41.96441:59.50 (47)1:18.85 (54)2:22.50 (50)2:01.11 (37)
29Phillips, Jim (M10, PN)8:28.13442:10.42 (52)1:19.99 (57)2:36.97 (59)2:20.75 (40)
30Rich, Paul (M13, EA)8:36.86442:22.51 (53)1:19.92 (56)2:32.35 (58)2:22.08 (42)
31Pomey, Carl (M12, FW)8:55.45442:27.34 (54)1:29.49 (60)2:37.60 (60)2:21.02 (41)
32Cooper, Drury (M13, IM)9:22.48442:31.75 (55)1:32.49 (62)2:49.97 (62)2:28.27 (43)
-Allred, Jackson (M09, IM) 22  2:25.88 (54)2:00.81 (36)
-Archibald, William (M10, FW) 421:47.62 (32)DNF2:10.65 (35)DNF
-Auseklis, Al (M12, IM) 11  2:25.01 (52) 
-Beautyman, Michael (M09, EA) 33 1:09.59 (43)2:31.90 (56)2:16.30 (39)
-Bryant, Donn (M12, FW) 332:33.19 (56)1:29.84 (61)2:43.96 (61) 
-Bullard, Thomas (M08, FW) 43DNF1:12.68 (50)2:16.45 (44)1:55.22 (28)
-Cofer, Don (M09, IM) 32DNF1:07.56 (36)2:13.89 (39) 
-Crowell, Samuel (M09, FW) 431:44.90 (25(t))1:06.43 (33)2:07.10 (27)DSQ
-Demattei, Gaetano (M13, FW) 43DSQ1:14.49 (51)2:22.37 (48)1:58.98 (31)
-Doudna, Jim (M08, PN) 221:44.90 (25(t))1:09.33 (42)  
-Dreyer, Bob (M09, IM) 10 DNF  
-Dugan, Jim (M10, FW) 41DNF1:08.79 (40)DNFDNF
-Fox, Marty (M08, CN) 321:58.41 (46) 2:25.34 (53)DNF
-Halstead, Michael (M09, IM) 22 1:14.54 (52)2:22.19 (47) 
-Hauser, Charles (M11, RM) 432:03.74 (49)1:11.48 (47)2:16.44 (43)DSQ
-Henderson, Wayne (M10, AK) 311:38.48 (13)DNFDNF 
-Kandianis, Mark (M09, PN) 331:48.64 (35)1:05.89 (31)2:11.29 (38) 
-Kurdy, Dan (M08, IM) 22 1:00.87 (15)1:57.38 (9) 
-Leonard, Brad (M12, N) 422:36.28 (57)DNFDNF2:58.32 (45)
-Little, Rand (M08, PN) 431:49.64 (38)1:00.65 (14)DNF1:44.09 (18)
-Mangham, Charles (M09, IM) 321:50.29 (40) DSQ1:56.92 (30)
-Masur, Mark (M08, IM) 42DNF59.90 (11)1:59.31 (10)DNF
-Merritt, Don (M11, FW) 431:49.45 (36)1:06.61 (34)2:07.99 (30)DNF
-Moore, Greg (M08, IM) 22 1:02.65 (20)2:04.74 (24) 
-Noel, Francis (M11, N) 43DNF1:19.46 (55)2:22.48 (49)1:59.97 (35)
-Nolan, Herb (M12, IM) 43DSQ1:15.70 (53)2:22.76 (51)2:03.76 (38)
-O'Connor, Kevin (M09, IM) 431:46.58 (30)1:03.69 (23)2:10.74 (36)DNF
-Randall, Gerald (M09, AK) 431:43.47 (20)1:05.20 (28)2:08.13 (31)DNF
-Reinig, Jim (M08, RM) 421:37.39 (9)58.87 (8)DNFDNF
-Reithner, Robert (M10, EA) 22 1:38.54 (63)2:54.15 (63) 
-Rhodes, Jon (M08, FW) 411:54.05 (42)DNFDNFDNF
-Robertson, Rich (M11, PN) 222:03.81 (50)1:26.03 (59)  
-Safar, Yvan (M10, AK) 10DNF   
-Schlimbach, Hans (M12, RM) 432:03.31 (48)1:21.12 (58)2:27.84 (55)DSQ
-Sevigny, Alphonse (M12, EA) 432:05.01 (51)1:11.53 (48)2:21.90 (46)DNF
-Stewart, Tim (M08, FW) 431:33.73 (4)57.28 (4)DNF1:30.55 (2)
-Suttor, Michael (M09, AUS) 32DSQ1:04.62 (26)2:13.97 (40) 
-Swan, Bobby (M10, CAN) 11   1:35.08 (7)
-Tallackson, James (M12, IM) 11  2:32.15 (57) 
-Tanzman, Ronald (M09, FW) 431:45.24 (28)1:02.81 (21)2:02.67 (21)DNF
-Thompson, Keith (M11, IM) 431:48.53 (34)1:07.33 (35)2:10.97 (37)DNF
-Thorndike, Charles (M09, EA) 431:47.80 (33)1:05.43 (29)2:02.47 (20)DNF
-Uberuaga, Mike (M09, IM) 331:44.31 (22) 2:03.83 (22)1:45.90 (23)
-Vogel, Gary (M08, RM) 431:39.82 (15)1:03.12 (22)2:05.79 (26)DNF
-Webber, Dick (M11, IM) 432:47.47 (58)DNF2:54.42 (64)2:40.23 (44)

Scoring Details
Classes: USSA masters 5-year age classes (20-90+)
Scoring element: Total time
Scoring policy: total time across all races (must complete all races to qualify)

Scored Races
1. Sun Valley SC - March 17, 2015 - Separate courses for National groups A/B and C/D
2. Sun Valley SG - March 18, 2015 - Separate courses for National groups A/B and C/D
3. Sun Valley GS - March 19, 2015 - Separate courses for National groups A/B and C/D
4. Sun Valley SL - March 20, 2015 - Separate courses for National groups A, B, C, D