Split Second Timing Software

 Not yet updated for 2025! **not yet updated for 2025**  Not yet updated for 2025!

This page provides information and tips on Split Second Timing (SST), the widely used timing software for USSA competitions. (Other timing software can also be used, but Split Second is the most commonly used timing software in most divisions.)

Tips and Techniques for Masters races in Split Second

Tips and techniques are provided here describing the recommended procedures and settings in Split Second to most easily perform common operations for a USSA Alpine Masters race.

General Information


Preparing the race file

Running the race

Submitting results to USSA

Additional documentation is provided in the following sections with detailed explanations of Split Second procedures and working with SkiRaceReg.

Running a Masters Race using Split Second

Most race organizers use the standard USSA alpine race timing software from Split Second, Inc. Consequently, the techniques we describe here are specifically for the Split Second race timing software. Equivalent techniques for encoding masters age classes and performing race operation activities such as producing entry list, start list, and race result reports can be used with other race timing systems. A longer, more detailed description of the procedures for masters races is provided, along with a shorter, more succinct checklist summary.

Working with SkiRaceReg.com for Online Registration

Online registration systems provide for competitor signup and race fees payment processing. As a race administrator, you will need to download competitor entries from the online registration system into your Split Second race files and post results back to the registration system to enable post-race processing of racer charges.

The procedures for working with the SkiRaceReg.com online registration system now being used by most masters divisions are described in the following document:

Software Change Requests for Split Second

A number of improvements in the support for Masters races have been implemented in recent seasons in the Split Second software. These changes and improvements have made it significantly easier to run masters races and are much appreciated!!

An list of the currently outstanding requests for corrections and improvements that have originated from masters race organizers are posted here:

Links and Contacts

Additional resources for race operations:

TimingGuys.com - discussion boards for timing topics
Glaivestone Software - ACES - ACE Scoring masters software

Contact Information

For questions or comments on this material, contact:

Deb Lewis
Director of Race Services and Scoring, Far West Masters
Email: Deb Lewis at dlewis@usalpinemasters.org